Many years ago, when I opened my first counseling and clinical hypnotherapy practice in Nashville, Tennessee, my perspective was primarily psychological, based on my training and education. But in working with people over the course of time I began to see the limits of this paradigm and often, in hypnosis, individuals would spontaneously go far beyond the boundaries of my accepted belief system at that time. Slowly I opened up to the reality that the inner world of consciousness was much grander than I had been taught or even imagined.
Although I had an MA in behavioral science and religion and was certified in clinical hypnotherapy by the Center For Integral Medicine, school of medicine, UCLA, I soon learned that, in working with people, ‘book-learning’ wasn’t enough. I came to realize that knowledge was of the mind, while true wisdom was of the heart. Wisdom is born of our experience in all the areas of our life: our relationship with other people, our bodies, our emotions and our understanding of the nature of the universe and how it works. I continue to be an avid reader, always seeking deeper understanding and knowledge in all areas of life, but it is really wisdom that I most honor. It is wisdom that I fall back on in offering Guidance to others and meeting my own challenges in life. I have come to see that we live in a multidimensional universe which is not easily contained or even understood by the custodians of consensus reality such as conventional science, medicine, organized religion, etc. Quantum physics is only now discovering what true mystics have known for eons – the universe is a hologram and every thought and action is related to and affects the whole.
The ‘western mind’ has been excellent in taking things apart and analyzing the various components and elements. This has given us our advanced science and technology. It hasn’t been so good at seeing the relationship of all of the parts to the whole, however. Our current environmental crisis as well as our ongoing infantile approach to international relations is the result of a world view that doesn’t understand the interrelatedness of all things and the long-term results of our actions. My own experience has been that a purely psychological, medical or religious approach to problems is insufficient because each approach relates to only one aspect of who we are. We are body, mind, spirit, emotions — and our relationships. So as we look at personal challenges, it is important to understand the interrelatedness of it all. Every practitioner is limited to the extent of their knowledge, training and experience. Each can offer only what they have. Each of us, however, has a “Wise Counselor” within whose knowledge is very specific to us. I simply call it Guidance. Some refer to the Higher Self. Call it what you will, we each have this innate wisdom which can be tapped for guidance related to our personal circumstances and challenges. It is that inner Guide that I help you connect with so that you can continue receiving wisdom on your own.