Meet Michael

Michael Lightweaver

Many years ago, when I opened my first counseling and clinical hypnotherapy practice in Nashville, Tennessee, my perspective was primarily psychological, based on my training and education. But in working with people over the course of time I began to see the limits of this paradigm and often, in hypnosis, individuals would spontaneously go far beyond the boundaries of my accepted belief system at that time. Slowly I opened up to the reality that the inner world of consciousness was much grander than I had been taught or even imagined.
Although I had an MA in behavioral science and religion and was certified in clinical hypnotherapy by the Center For Integral Medicine, school of medicine, UCLA, I soon learned that, in working with people, ‘book-learning’ wasn’t enough. I came to realize that knowledge was of the mind, while true wisdom was of the heart. Wisdom is born of our experience in all the areas of our life: our relationship with other people, our bodies, our emotions and our understanding of the nature of the universe and how it works. I continue to be an avid reader, always seeking deeper understanding and knowledge in all areas of life, but it is really wisdom that I most honor. It is wisdom that I fall back on in offering Guidance to others and meeting my own challenges in life. I have come to see that we live in a multidimensional universe which is not easily contained or even understood by the custodians of consensus reality such as conventional science, medicine, organized religion, etc. Quantum physics is only now discovering what true mystics have known for eons – the universe is a hologram and every thought and action is related to and affects the whole.
The ‘western mind’ has been excellent in taking things apart and analyzing the various components and elements. This has given us our advanced science and technology. It hasn’t been so good at seeing the relationship of all of the parts to the whole, however. Our current environmental crisis as well as our ongoing infantile approach to international relations is the result of a world view that doesn’t understand the interrelatedness of all things and the long-term results of our actions. My own experience has been that a purely psychological, medical or religious approach to problems is insufficient because each approach relates to only one aspect of who we are. We are body, mind, spirit, emotions — and our relationships. So as we look at personal challenges, it is important to understand the interrelatedness of it all. Every practitioner is limited to the extent of their knowledge, training and experience. Each can offer only what they have. Each of us, however, has a “Wise Counselor” within whose knowledge is very specific to us. I simply call it Guidance. Some refer to the Higher Self. Call it what you will, we each have this innate wisdom which can be tapped for guidance related to our personal circumstances and challenges. It is that inner Guide that I help you connect with so that you can continue receiving wisdom on your own.


Soul Guidance Session

My role is that of guide and my perspective is transpersonal. Transpersonal means, ‘beyond personal.’ The word personal comes from the Latin word “persona” which refers to the mask worn by actors. It is a fitting word. In my world view, our Earth experience is curriculum for personal or soul growth. We create dramas & challenges which offer us incredible learning opportunities. Our personalities/egos are simply the masks we wear in this drama. Most often, however, we forget that we are actors. We get into the drama and become the personality/ego mask we are wearing and take it all quite seriously. We become imprisoned in our drama, locked into the ‘microcosm,’ or ‘little picture.’ A transpersonal approach can help us remove our masks, remember who we really are, step out of the drama and understand what is really going on. It can help us understand how and why we may have created this experience and what we can do about it. It helps us move into the macrocosm and see our experiences from the ‘big picture.’ This can offer us incredible insight
At some point in life each of us face crisis. Relationships are often the trigger. Sometimes it is a financial or health related challenge. Some struggle with deep questions about the meaning and purpose of life or hit a major turning point in life and don’t know which way to turn. The loss of a loved one can bring up our deepest emotions. Often we cannot alter circumstances, but we can choose how to view & respond to them. We can choose whether we will play the victim – blaming others for our situation – or whether we will be the detective & entrepreneur, delving deeply into the experience to understand why this is in our life; the message or gift it may be offering us, and how we can use it to our benefit. In a Guidance session we seek to do this by stepping ‘behind stage’ in our own drama to discover how we empower and disempower ourselves and what we can do to change, if this is our desire. Guidance sessions are offered both in person and by phone. Sessions normally range between an hour to an hour and a half. You can arrange a session by emailing me at

Stargate Hypnosis

Stargate hypnosis.Perhaps you are familiar with the concept of parallel lives or alternative realities in which we exist simultaneously with the life we are currently aware of. In this concept our different selves are having different experiences parallel to the experiences we are aware of in this dimension. A Stargate is portal that allows you to move through dimensions and experience a parallel life in which your goals and fondest dreams are already a reality. Some call it ‘Quantum Jumping’ It is a powerful manifestation technique for bringing your dreams into reality. Hypnosis is the process of guiding you in shifting from left brain to right brain focus and utilizing your concentration and imagination to see and feel the new reality that you want to manifest. In a Stargate session you will be guided into a deep alpha state and then move through the Stargate to your desire destination where the fulfillment of your dreams are already a reality. This is one of many techniques we will use to utilize and activate the law of attraction in helping you move from where you are to where you want to be. In-person sessions are $100 and normally last between one to two hours. For questions or to arrange a session, you can contact me at

Ready To Transform Your Life?

Imagine a life where your dreams are a reality and your challenges are stepping stones to success. With Stargate Hypnosis and Guidance, you can unlock new dimensions of personal growth, emotional healing, and self-discovery. Don’t wait to start living your best life – take the first step towards transformation today. I am offering a complimentary consultation to help you explore the possibilities and see whether these services are appropriate for you. For more information or to arrange a session email me at or click below.

Our Feelings Create The Future
We are living magnets.
Lightweaver Guidance And Hypnotherapy

Copyright Reserved. Made By Mduduzi Adrian Mirimi& Michael Lightweaver.